The Team

Anthony Carbone

Anthony Carbone (President/Editor-In-Chief) — I started GNN back in June 2011 and I always enjoy sharing information and opinions with all my readers. I currently live in Manvel, Texas and go to school at the University of Houston for Mechanical Engineering. My biggest hobby and passion is gaming and has been for quite some time. I’m pretty much a Sony fanboy, but I love seeing what Microsoft has to offer and never hate on their products. I really enjoy RPGs, Unique Shooters (like BioShock and Dishonored), Racers, and Action Adventure games. Feel free to add me and play along with me anytime. My name is SpartanCIV across XBL, PSN, and Steam. Hope you enjoy our content!

Alex Craig

Alex Craig (Journalist) — I am a true believer of Video Games as the ultimate artform. I used to spend entire summers with three friends, on couch co-op playing x-men legends, dynasty warriors, and all manner of fighting games. I love a game that grabs you right by the feels(my favorites are rage, and hilarity) and really lets you express yourself by accomplishing outlandish feats. I have been following the competitive fighting game community pretty closely for the past couple years and plan on covering whatever tournaments I can, local or otherwise. I love a good challenge, and great game design so feel free to leave any references or suggestions in the comments of any of my articles. If you want to challenge me at a game online, psn: lekko2 and xbox:Eric Lekko.


James Knowles

James Knowles (Editor) — I joined GNN in spring of 2013 with intent on delivering an enjoyable read about something we all enjoy; gaming. I enjoy action, shooters, RPG’s and MMO games the most and strive to be the best. I was even ranked top 5 in the world on a few boss fights in Wow on my priest! I work at an electronics store selling computer parts and Sony products when I can, being the Sony fanboy I am. I live in Alvin, Texas and go to school at San Jacinto College for Engineering. If you want to go head to head with me in a game you can add me at Silentstalkr across most platforms.


Cody House

Cody House (Editor) — My name is Cody House, online pseudonym “Codeceus”. Currently I’m enrolled at UH seeking an Electrical Engineering degree. I’ve been a gaming enthusiast since I was a child and continue to share and explore the activity today. Recently I’ve been enveloped in competitive gaming, mostly the Dota 2 scene. Feel free to contact me through steam or through the blog.


Leo Caceres

Leo Caceres (Journalist) — My name is Leandro and I am currently enrolled at University of Houston seeking a degree in Media Production. I am into video editing and playing lots of video games. I play different genres of games including; real time strategy, simulators, and first person shooters. Currently you can finding me flying my Reaver on the continents of Auraxis in the game Planetside 2. Feel free to look me up on Steam as “lac0994” and send me a message I will be more than happy to answer any questions.

Michael Valencia

Michael Valencia

Michael Valencia (Journalist) —


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